Did Jobvent Get Acquired?

Chalk one up for the little guy if my deduction is correct. A while back, I saw a tweet from @oofoot that his side project http://www.Jobvent.com was up for sale. After four years he had decided to move on and was looking for buyers. After that there were a few tweets and one about someContinue reading “Did Jobvent Get Acquired?”

Bluefin Lab

Genotrope Record: Bluefin Lab Funding Status: Seed Investors: ? Founders or Execs past companies: Another Andy Palmer mentored company. MIT Industry: Consumer Web, Video Search Offering Description: cutting edge video search technology applied to the exciting world of consumer media.

Web Innovators Group 21 Tuesday March 10th

Dont forget to sign up for the 21st Web Inno next Tuesday at the Royal Sonesta Cambridge. Main Dishes Adroit Interactive BravoCart LilGrams Side Dishes Coachestown JitterGram JotNot mCaddie PickupZone Wiggio Let us know which ones are your favorites or any comments you wish to offer about the companies presenting.

Who Do You Think Should be on this List? Best of Boston Web 2008

We are really just putting this  out there as a starting point in hope that readers will add to the list. Of course it is nowhere comprehensive and totally subjective. Let us know your choices. Oh, and don’t nominate yourself, spread the kudos around. Networking Event: Web Innovators Group WebInno was founded and is currentlyContinue reading “Who Do You Think Should be on this List? Best of Boston Web 2008”

Boston area Companies purchased by CA Companies

Whoops, I found this in my drafts. Somehow I failed to post this. So it may be a little dated, but still interesting information. Paul Maeder of Highland Capital created a very interesting slide #14 showing the Boston Companies that have helped make CA or out of state companies grow. This slide is from aContinue reading “Boston area Companies purchased by CA Companies”

Third Screen Media Inc., Acquired by AOL

Company Name: Third Screen Media Inc. Company URL: http://www.thirdscreenmedia.com Citation URL: http://www.bizreport.com/2007/03/third_screen_media_to_power_fox_news_mobile_ads.html Formation Date: Q3 2005 Funding Status: Acquired for profit Investors: TD Capital Ventures, Blue Chip Venture Company. Founders or Execs past companies: M-Qube, Britemoon, Fast Channel, CollegeLink.com Industry: Mobile Advertising Offering Descripton: TSM|Network, the world’s largest, single-source mobile ad network and MADX, theContinue reading “Third Screen Media Inc., Acquired by AOL”

Back to the Bubble……. Not…………..Quite

This is mostly old news, but it makes sense to point out some of the relatively quick liquidity events that have happened in 2006 – 2007. Most recently Tabblo an on-line photo sharing and printing company was acquired by HP. In 2006 Onfolio was acquired my Microsoft. Don’t quote me but I think it wasContinue reading “Back to the Bubble……. Not…………..Quite”